Installing CDlib

Before installing CDlib, you need to have setuptools installed.

Quick install

Get CDlib from the Python Package Index at pypl.

or install it with

pip install cdlib

and an attempt will be made to find and install an appropriate version that matches your operating system and Python version.

You can install the development version with

pip install git://

Optional Dependencies

CDlib relies on a few packages calling C code (namely: python-igraph, leidenalg, angel_cd and infomap). The default installation will not set up such requirements since their configuration under non unix-like systems is not trivial and cannot be easily automated.

Such a choice has been made to allow (even) Windows user to install the library and get access to its core functionalities.

To made available (most of) the optional packages you can either:

  • (Windows) manually install the optional packages (versions details are specified in requirements_optional.txt) following the original projects guidelines, or
  • (Linux/OSX) run the command:
pip install cdlib[C]

Such caveat will install everything that can be easily automated under Linux/OSX.

(Advanced) Graph-tool

The only optional dependency that will remain unsatisfied following the previous procedures will be graph-tool (used to add SBM models). If you need it up and running, refer to the official documentation.

Installing from source

You can install from source by downloading a source archive file (tar.gz or zip) or by checking out the source files from the GitHub source code repository.

CDlib is a pure Python package; you don’t need a compiler to build or install it.

Source archive file

Download the source (tar.gz or zip file) from pypl or get the latest development version from GitHub

Unpack and change directory to the source directory (it should have the files README.txt and

Run python install to build and install


Clone the CDlib repostitory (see GitHub for options)

git clone

Change directory to CDlib

Run python install to build and install

If you don’t have permission to install software on your system, you can install into another directory using the –user, –prefix, or –home flags to

For example

python install --prefix=/home/username/python


python install --home=~


python install --user

If you didn’t install in the standard Python site-packages directory you will need to set your PYTHONPATH variable to the alternate location. See for further details.



To use CDlib you need Python 3.6 or later.

The easiest way to get Python and most optional packages is to install the Enthought Python distribution “Canopy” or using Anaconda.

There are several other distributions that contain the key packages you need for scientific computing.