
flake_odf(graph: <Mock id='139632780168400'>, community: object, summary: bool = True) → object

Fraction of nodes in S that have fewer edges pointing inside than to the outside of the community.

\[f(S) = \frac{| \{ u:u \in S,| \{(u,v) \in E: v \in S \}| < d(u)/2 \}|}{n_S}\]

where \(E\) is the graph edge set, \(v\) is a node in \(S\), \(d(u)\) is the degree of \(u\) and \(n_S\) is the set of community nodes.

  • graph – a networkx/igraph object
  • community – NodeClustering object
  • summary – boolean. If True it is returned an aggregated score for the partition is returned, otherwise individual-community ones. Default True.

If summary==True a FitnessResult object, otherwise a list of floats.


>>> from cdlib.algorithms import louvain
>>> from cdlib import evaluation
>>> g = nx.karate_club_graph()
>>> communities = louvain(g)
>>> mod = evaluation.flake_odf(g,communities)
  1. Flake, G.W., Lawrence, S., Giles, C.L., et al.: Efficient identification of web communities. In: KDD, vol. 2000, pp. 150–160 (2000)