
wCommunity(g_original, min_bel_degree=0.7, threshold_bel_degree=0.7, weightName='weight')

Algorithm to identify overlapping communities in weighted graphs

  • g_original – a networkx/igraph object
  • min_bel_degree – the tolerance, in terms of beloging degree, required in order to add a node in a community
  • threshold_bel_degree – the tolerance, in terms of beloging degree, required in order to add a node in a ‘NLU’ community
  • weightName – name of the edge attribute containing the weights

NodeClustering object

>>> from cdlib import algorithms
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> G = nx.karate_club_graph()
>>> nx.set_edge_attributes(G, values=1, name='weight')
>>> coms = algorithms.wCommunity(G, min_bel_degree=0.6, threshold_bel_degree=0.6)

Chen, D., Shang, M., Lv, Z., & Fu, Y. (2010). Detecting overlapping communities of weighted networks via a local algorithm. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389(19), 4177-4187.


Implementation provided by Marco Cardia <> and Francesco Sabiu <> (Computer Science Dept., University of Pisa, Italy)