Installing CDlib

CDlib requires python>=3.8.

To install the latest version of our library just download (or clone) the current project, open a terminal and run the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_optional.txt # (Optional) this might not work in Windows systems due to C-based dependencies.
pip install .

Alternatively use pip

pip install cdlib

or conda

conda create -n cdlib python=3.9
conda config --add channels giuliorossetti
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install cdlib

You can install the development version directly from the GitHub repository with

pip install git+

Optional Dependencies

PyPi package

To simplify the installation process, the default installation does not include optional dependencies (e.g., graph-tool). If you need them, you can install them manually or run the following command:

pip install 'cdlib[C]'

This option, safe for GNU/Linux users, will install all those optional dependencies that require C code compilation.

pip install 'cdlib[pypi]'

This option will install all those optional dependencies that are not available on conda/conda-forge.

pip install 'cdlib[all]'

This option will install all optional dependencies accessible with the flag C and pypi.


Due to some strict requirements, the installation of a subset of optional dependencies is left outside the previous procedures.


CDlib integrates the support for SBM models offered by graph-tool. To install it refer to the official documentation and install the conda-forge version of the package (or the deb version if in a *nix system).


Since its 2.1.0 release ASLPAw relies on gmpy2 whose installation through pip is not easy to automatize due to some C dependencies. To address such issue test the following recipe:

conda install gmpy2
pip install shuffle_graph>=2.1.0 similarity-index-of-label-graph>=2.0.1 ASLPAw>=2.1.0

In case ASLPAw installation fails, please refer to the official gmpy2 repository.

Optional Dependencies (Conda package)

CDlib relies on a few packages not available through conda: to install them please use pip.

pip install pycombo
pip install GraphRicciCurvature
conda install gmpy2
pip install shuffle_graph>=2.1.0 similarity-index-of-label-graph>=2.0.1 ASLPAw>=2.1.0

In case ASLPAw installation fails, please refer to the official gmpy2 repository repository.